The Story of Two Broken Files Retrieval
-Femal patient 29 y. with free medical history referred from periodontist with 2 broken instrument tooth no.#25 (Type 2 Vertucci Classification) . After my colleague broken the 1st file he tried to bypass it and during bypassing procedures another file was broken also So; he decided to refer the case. #Mangment Protocol:- Firstly I tried to bypass 2 broken files as I can see them using DOM (semorr, LAMAA medical) and I did , then using ultrasonic tip ET#25 trephining around the broken files.The 1st file (the longest one) was totally loss but still intertwined with the other file. -Using broken instrument removal kit (ZUMAX_Medical_Co.) inserted the yellow extractor in the canal to grip and remove the 1st file..... -During irrigation procedures the 2nd file was popped out from the canal, here the huge amount of pus push out from the canal . #Irrigation Protocol:- warmed saline, Naocl 6%, Saline, CHX, Saline, Naocl 6%.... #BMP:- was done using Hyflex CM file till #40 0.04. -After finishing BMP the canal still not dry so,CaoH2 dressing for 2 weeks as ICM . -The patient came back after 3 weeks, CaoH2 was removed & Canal was cleaned using XP-endo finisher, irrigation again using hypo & EDTA 17% and finally with saline . #Obturation:- was done using AH Plus resin sealer with CLC technique.
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