Be a dentist, not a tooth replacer.. Do not rush to replace one missing tooth if the whole quadrant needs a better restoration
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Pre-operative photograph: Patient presented to my clinic asking for a replacement of a missing premolar.
A look at the area will show a missing second premolar, an old crown with poor contours on the first molar, fissure and proximal decay on the second molar.. Distal surface of first molar was examined and the blackish discolouration was only stainPre-operative photograph (side view)Pre-operative radiographCrown was removedTooth cleaned and restored, preparation adjusted, gingiva around the tooth was cleaned and a temporary restoration fabricated in the same dayNice healing of the gingiva around the temporary restoration. The area is ready for an implantOrientation during surgeryImplant placed and flap was sutured3months later: good healing and osseointegrated implantImpression made for crown and implantProximal and fissue decay on the second molar was restored. Implant abutment in place, ready for try in stageRestorations try-in
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