
Complete denture case - full treatment sequence This 87 year old man attended with the following complete denture problems: “I am forever putting adhesive on my bottom denture and I am glad to get it out at night. I have been using adhesive for over 3 years. This is my third set of dentures in 5 years and none have been comfortable. I avoid eating tough, stodgy food." Dental wish list: “I want dentures that stay in place” “I would like to be able to eat what I want” “I would be happy with a 70% improvement” "I would like the denture to stop making a slushing noise when I eat" Following consultation, the patient chose to have replacement upper and lower conventional dentures fabricated.The clinical situation and treatment process is shown in detail below with photographs and videos. The patient was successfully rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures and improved his quality of life considerably. The clinical work was provided by Finlay Sutton and the technical work by Rowan.

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Complete denture Class III occlusion - characterised with fillings and wear to make age appropriate.
Complete denture Class III occlusion - characterised with fillings and wear to make age appropriate.
Figure 1. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures.
Figure 2. Pre-treatment with existing dentures from the side showing Class III skeletal base.
Figure 3. Angular cheilitis at the left commissure.
Figure 4. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures with poor tissue fit, extension, aesthetics and wear on the occlusal surfaces.
Figure 5. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures.
Figure 6. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures.
Figure 7. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures in occlusion from the right.
Figure 8. Pre-treatment with existing complete dentures in occlusion from the left.
Figure 9. Pre-treatment maxillary complete denture - under extended in the potsdam position resulting in reduced retention and peripheral seal.
Figure 10. Pre-treatment - maxillary denture bearing area with papillary hyperplasia, denture stomatitis, flabby ridge and deep palatal fissures.

Complete denture case - full treatment sequence This 87 year old man attended with the following complete denture problems: “I am forever putting adhesive on my bottom denture and I am glad to get it out at night. I have been using adhesive for over 3 years. This is my third set of dentures in 5 years and none have been comfortable. I avoid eating tough, stodgy food." Dental wish list: “I want dentures that stay in place” “I would like to be able to eat what I want” “I would be happy with a 70% improvement” "I would like the denture to stop making a slushing noise when I eat" Following consultation, the patient chose to have replacement upper and lower conventional dentures fabricated.The clinical situation and treatment process is shown in detail below with photographs and videos. The patient was successfully rehabilitated with conventional complete dentures and improved his quality of life considerably. The clinical work was provided by Finlay Sutton and the technical work by Rowan.

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