The sIngle anterior crown is always headache for clinicians and technicians. The elab card protocol by Sacha Hein simplified the procedure and increase the predictabillty.
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A 24 years old patient complained of fractured 11 and 21. He had composite restoration for immediate esthetic. BUT the quality is not good enough.The tooth 11 is tilted to distal with wrong incisal edge. Due to the budget of the patient, Composite layering 11 and zirconia crown 21 are planned to restore the esthetic. The treatment plan is to restore 11 with composite layering first, and then fabricate the zirconia crownUnderexposed photo with the black background is to use for the composite layering. The clinician can visualize the incisal translucency.High Contrast photo is to used for the detail of the mamellon After the composite layering, the tooth 21 is prepared. A dummy shade photo is taken.A RAW photo with the eLab card (by Sacha Hein) ( is taken for the digital shade matching. We don't need to use shade guide anymore. Zirconia Crown with porcelain layering by Sean (Vanguard lab HK)Try inFittingFinal Restoration - Composite Layering 11 and Zirconia Crown 21 with porcelain layering
The sIngle anterior crown is always headache for clinicians and technicians. The elab card protocol by Sacha Hein simplified the procedure and increase the predictabillty.
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