Alberto Meza

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon


DYNAMIC VIEW. For the design of the smile according to the patient's facial anatomy, it is very important to obtain the proportions of their teeth, so that there is harmony. To obtain the width of a superior central incisor, Dr. Stephen Chu explains how to obtain these measurements. It adds to the width of the lower central incisor. Once the width of the ICS was obtained, subtract 1.5 mm to obtain the width of the ILS and subtract 1 mm to obtain the width of the canine (Chu, 2007). Before carrying out the gingival recontouring, it should be verified how the gingival margin is to think of a gingival retrograde treatment to make the smallest internal modifications. #dv #dynamicview #dsd #dds #estetica #designodigitaldesonrisa #dentistica #odonto #odontologia #cirugiabucal #cirugiaoral # oralcirugía #periodoncia #periodoncia #gingivectomia #tegucigalpa #honduras #costarica #sanjose

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Alberto Meza

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon


DYNAMIC VIEW. For the design of the smile according to the patient's facial anatomy, it is very important to obtain the proportions of their teeth, so that there is harmony. To obtain the width of a superior central incisor, Dr. Stephen Chu explains how to obtain these measurements. It adds to the width of the lower central incisor. Once the width of the ICS was obtained, subtract 1.5 mm to obtain the width of the ILS and subtract 1 mm to obtain the width of the canine (Chu, 2007). Before carrying out the gingival recontouring, it should be verified how the gingival margin is to think of a gingival retrograde treatment to make the smallest internal modifications. #dv #dynamicview #dsd #dds #estetica #designodigitaldesonrisa #dentistica #odonto #odontologia #cirugiabucal #cirugiaoral # oralcirugía #periodoncia #periodoncia #gingivectomia #tegucigalpa #honduras #costarica #sanjose

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