Tse Tak On Ryan

General Dentist

Implant placement in a compromised area

The patient complained mobile 11. During clinical and radiographic exams, the tooth 11 is M3 with root resorption. The tooth is ankylosed and the gingival margin is high. This is not a good case for ortho to bring down the gum and also absolutely not a case for immediate implant placement. I decided to do the CT graft first to increase the soft tissue volume 6 weeks after extraction, then bone graft 6 weeks after CT graft. The implant was placed 6 months after the bone graft mature. The result is not ideal but it is not bad when we consider where we started.

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Pre op -ankylosed 11 and mobile
Pre op Radiograph
Soft tissue graft 6 weeks after extraction, to increase soft tissue volume
implant placement after 2 months, with bone graft then abutment torqued
1 year post-operative
Tse Tak On Ryan

General Dentist

Implant placement in a compromised area

The patient complained mobile 11. During clinical and radiographic exams, the tooth 11 is M3 with root resorption. The tooth is ankylosed and the gingival margin is high. This is not a good case for ortho to bring down the gum and also absolutely not a case for immediate implant placement. I decided to do the CT graft first to increase the soft tissue volume 6 weeks after extraction, then bone graft 6 weeks after CT graft. The implant was placed 6 months after the bone graft mature. The result is not ideal but it is not bad when we consider where we started.

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