Soulafa Belal


Increasing width of attached gingiva

Increasing width of attached gingiva using palatal FGG and post-operative result after 3 month. This suregery was carried out after 3 month of previous open flap debridement surgery, in order to stabilize the result, prevent more attachment loss , increase resistance to external injury and contribute in stabilization of gingival margin against frictional forces and also aids in dissipating physiological forces exerted by the muscular fibers of the alveolar mucosa on the gingival tissues. #Lets_perio #Perio_for_all

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Deficient width of attached gingiva
Free gingival graft harvested from the palat
Securing of the graft at recipient site using 5/0 prolene suture
Management of donor site using multiple layers of PRF
Healing and graft survival after 2 weeks post-operative
Healing after two weeks post-operative
3 month post-operative healing
Soulafa Belal


Increasing width of attached gingiva

Increasing width of attached gingiva using palatal FGG and post-operative result after 3 month. This suregery was carried out after 3 month of previous open flap debridement surgery, in order to stabilize the result, prevent more attachment loss , increase resistance to external injury and contribute in stabilization of gingival margin against frictional forces and also aids in dissipating physiological forces exerted by the muscular fibers of the alveolar mucosa on the gingival tissues. #Lets_perio #Perio_for_all

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