Ahmed Hamdy


maxillary arch rehablitation

long journey to restore the upper arch .. case started with periodontal abcess related to teeth 11 and 12 , missing 14 . 16 and remaining root of tooth 15 ,, management started by extraction of teeth 11 and 12 and leave the site to heal .. atraumatic extraction of remaining root and 3 implants are used with closed sinus lifting . later on 2 implants placed in the anterior segment replacing 11 and 12 ,, in the second stage surgery , modified roll flap technique to augment buccal convexity around implants ,, due to huge discrepancy in vertical bone height ,, screw hybrid restoration are used to mimic gingival appearance , luckily patient has a low lip line so it wasn't an issue for us ,, a screw retained crowns are fabricated for posterior teeth ,,

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Ahmed Hamdy


maxillary arch rehablitation

long journey to restore the upper arch .. case started with periodontal abcess related to teeth 11 and 12 , missing 14 . 16 and remaining root of tooth 15 ,, management started by extraction of teeth 11 and 12 and leave the site to heal .. atraumatic extraction of remaining root and 3 implants are used with closed sinus lifting . later on 2 implants placed in the anterior segment replacing 11 and 12 ,, in the second stage surgery , modified roll flap technique to augment buccal convexity around implants ,, due to huge discrepancy in vertical bone height ,, screw hybrid restoration are used to mimic gingival appearance , luckily patient has a low lip line so it wasn't an issue for us ,, a screw retained crowns are fabricated for posterior teeth ,,

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