
Non surgical root canal treatment of 47 associated with crack tooth

A 41yr old/malay/male was complaint of sudden sharp pain upon biting food, the pain was short and doesnt radiate to other region. Pt had history multiple tooth extraction due to vertical root fracture. Pt is fit & healthy upon examination : 47- intact tooth, crack line noted at distal ridge of the tooth using dental microscope & methylene blue dye and extending to pulp however without crossing the pulp chamber/canal opening 47-was diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis & symptomatic apical periodontitis associated with crack tooth Tx done: 1) NSRCT of 47 2) Molar band placement - to reinforce tooth structure 3) refer for the cuspal coverage

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Non surgical root canal treatment of 47 associated with crack tooth

A 41yr old/malay/male was complaint of sudden sharp pain upon biting food, the pain was short and doesnt radiate to other region. Pt had history multiple tooth extraction due to vertical root fracture. Pt is fit & healthy upon examination : 47- intact tooth, crack line noted at distal ridge of the tooth using dental microscope & methylene blue dye and extending to pulp however without crossing the pulp chamber/canal opening 47-was diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis & symptomatic apical periodontitis associated with crack tooth Tx done: 1) NSRCT of 47 2) Molar band placement - to reinforce tooth structure 3) refer for the cuspal coverage

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