Gurien Demiraqi

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon

PAOO combined with "Sticky Tooth" and BCGF!

With Dr. Edlira Baruti, Dr. Eriola Nocka and dr. Ervin Sulaj at DemiraqiDental albania 3 rooted premolars were used to create "Sticky Tooth" To grind or not to grind(You bet i did!!). The perfect combination of techniques in order to finish in 8 months a case that would take years, with esthetics and function and lots of new bone to cover the teeth! Minimal time with maximal biological gain! Enjoy and feel free to ask questions

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Gurien Demiraqi

Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon

PAOO combined with "Sticky Tooth" and BCGF!

With Dr. Edlira Baruti, Dr. Eriola Nocka and dr. Ervin Sulaj at DemiraqiDental albania 3 rooted premolars were used to create "Sticky Tooth" To grind or not to grind(You bet i did!!). The perfect combination of techniques in order to finish in 8 months a case that would take years, with esthetics and function and lots of new bone to cover the teeth! Minimal time with maximal biological gain! Enjoy and feel free to ask questions

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