
Patient was referred for RCT of this vital molar so that afterwards the cusps could be reduced and the tooth could be restored. (antagonists are gone and this tooth has risen). I decided to reduce the cusps and restore it, without an endo. Monochromatic G-Aenial Posterior A3.

Monochromatic restoration. AA Removal under rubberdam Cuspal reduction Sandblasting Triodent V3 system Clearfil SE Bond G-aenial Posterior A3 Polishing with Jiffy kit from Ultradent

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Patient was referred for RCT of this vital molar so that afterwards the cusps could be reduced and the tooth could be restored. (antagonists are gone and this tooth has risen). I decided to reduce the cusps and restore it, without an endo. Monochromatic G-Aenial Posterior A3.

Monochromatic restoration. AA Removal under rubberdam Cuspal reduction Sandblasting Triodent V3 system Clearfil SE Bond G-aenial Posterior A3 Polishing with Jiffy kit from Ultradent

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