Implant placement tooth 26 . flapless . b-TCP graft and placement of a healing screw to retain the graft. Hemostatic sponge on the top. Healing after 2 weeks. Implant GMI Ilerimplant avantgard
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beforetooth extractedsocket before drillingimplant placementimplant axisimplant into positionhealing abutmentplacement of the healing abutmentb-TCP grafthemostatic sponge maintained using cross suturesX-ray post opafter 2 weeksX-ray after 2 weeks
Implant placement tooth 26 . flapless . b-TCP graft and placement of a healing screw to retain the graft. Hemostatic sponge on the top. Healing after 2 weeks. Implant GMI Ilerimplant avantgard
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