Maciek Czerwinski

General Dentist

There is a long history about this patient and this tooth. Becouse of many reasons we decided to treat this tooth in the most conservative way. This patient should feel some pain in this tooth but it was asymptomatic, pulp should be necrotic but is still alive, probably some of you see the need of RCT but I prefer to choose the conservative way as long as I can :) There is a pulp exposure but without bleeding this is why I cover it with composite. Gingivectomy was made with GingiBurs,isolation improved with TeflonNapkin and TeflonIsolation. Matrix adaptation wth TeflonFloss technique.... Lots of TeflonThings... :) From the photo perspective if I had cut the distal wall of 14 probably I would achieve better shape of second premolar. Regards

There is a long history about this patient and this tooth. Becouse of many reasons we decided to treat this tooth in the most conservative way. This patient should feel some pain in this tooth but it was asymptomatic, pulp should be necrotic but is still alive, probably some of you see the need of RCT but I prefer to choose the conservative way as long as I can Emotikon smile There is a pulp exposure but without bleeding this is why I cover it with composite. Gingivectomy was made with GingiBurs,isolation improved with TeflonNapkin and TeflonIsolation. Matrix adaptation wth TeflonFloss technique.... Lots of TeflonThings...:)) From the photo perspective if I had cut the distal wall of 14 probably I would achieve better shape of second premolar. Regards

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Wersja 2
Maciek Czerwinski

General Dentist

There is a long history about this patient and this tooth. Becouse of many reasons we decided to treat this tooth in the most conservative way. This patient should feel some pain in this tooth but it was asymptomatic, pulp should be necrotic but is still alive, probably some of you see the need of RCT but I prefer to choose the conservative way as long as I can :) There is a pulp exposure but without bleeding this is why I cover it with composite. Gingivectomy was made with GingiBurs,isolation improved with TeflonNapkin and TeflonIsolation. Matrix adaptation wth TeflonFloss technique.... Lots of TeflonThings... :) From the photo perspective if I had cut the distal wall of 14 probably I would achieve better shape of second premolar. Regards

There is a long history about this patient and this tooth. Becouse of many reasons we decided to treat this tooth in the most conservative way. This patient should feel some pain in this tooth but it was asymptomatic, pulp should be necrotic but is still alive, probably some of you see the need of RCT but I prefer to choose the conservative way as long as I can Emotikon smile There is a pulp exposure but without bleeding this is why I cover it with composite. Gingivectomy was made with GingiBurs,isolation improved with TeflonNapkin and TeflonIsolation. Matrix adaptation wth TeflonFloss technique.... Lots of TeflonThings...:)) From the photo perspective if I had cut the distal wall of 14 probably I would achieve better shape of second premolar. Regards

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