
Tooth No 26 with history of irreversible pulpits

Hello dears , Patient came with history of sharp pain related to the tooth No 26 , CDAA opened and bleeding control only through US then after getting clean camper started to scout with K-File 10 Canals enlarged up to 30 4% with Fanta Blue files only palatal up to 40 4% with Hyflex EDM . Irrigation through US , NaOcl , US , EDTA , US , CHX , US , Alcohol , through PUI . Troughing for MB2 through E4D US tip Obturation Radiograph shows apical connection of MB system which is explained in last photo. Tooth is then prepared for PFM and temporarized .

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Tooth No 26 with history of irreversible pulpits

Hello dears , Patient came with history of sharp pain related to the tooth No 26 , CDAA opened and bleeding control only through US then after getting clean camper started to scout with K-File 10 Canals enlarged up to 30 4% with Fanta Blue files only palatal up to 40 4% with Hyflex EDM . Irrigation through US , NaOcl , US , EDTA , US , CHX , US , Alcohol , through PUI . Troughing for MB2 through E4D US tip Obturation Radiograph shows apical connection of MB system which is explained in last photo. Tooth is then prepared for PFM and temporarized .

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