Gurien Demiraqi
Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon
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Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon
Extracted, grinded with Smart Dentine Grinder and combined with biphasic synthetic bone substitute and BCGF to make "Sticky Tooth". Cervico VPI was used for soft tissue modeling and also Blue M gel and solution to detox, and all over the healing period. After 4 months tuberal soft tissue graft as Poncho for improved soft tissues, sutured with Coreflon (dPTFE) sutures. Soft tissues still healing!! Enjoy and feel free to ask questions!!
Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon
Extracted, grinded with Smart Dentine Grinder and combined with biphasic synthetic bone substitute and BCGF to make "Sticky Tooth". Cervico VPI was used for soft tissue modeling and also Blue M gel and solution to detox, and all over the healing period. After 4 months tuberal soft tissue graft as Poncho for improved soft tissues, sutured with Coreflon (dPTFE) sutures. Soft tissues still healing!! Enjoy and feel free to ask questions!!
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