Whenever I have down time at the office, I'm practicing with composite resin to try and become better as a dentist. This is a lot of fun to me and I hope it is an encouragement to practice away from patients so you're better with patients.
Whenever I have down time at the office, I'm practicing with composite resin to try and become better as a dentist. This is a lot of fun to me and I hope it is an encouragement to practice away from patients so you're better with patients.
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making a liquid triad tab to start from. You just make a matrix of putty of a regular shade tab, and remove the tooth from it, place liquid triad in the matrix and insert the tab. Make the surface somewhat flat and light cure.A2 shade with organge tints suggested in the incisal 3 mm of the central mammelon.White opaque flowable is applied to the mesial and distal line angles.This pattern was made using an occlusal carver from Cosmedent. You can also use an explorer tip. Care is taken to remove most of the flowable during application and also removed if it pools in any depression.Enamel cracks are described in detail pages 230-234 of Layers, an Atlas in Dental Stratification by Jordi Manauta and Anna Salat.Small amounts of body shade (a2 opaque flowable) are applied to the vertical enamel wall. Access can be wiped away with a sable brush.
Whenever I have down time at the office, I'm practicing with composite resin to try and become better as a dentist. This is a lot of fun to me and I hope it is an encouragement to practice away from patients so you're better with patients.
Whenever I have down time at the office, I'm practicing with composite resin to try and become better as a dentist. This is a lot of fun to me and I hope it is an encouragement to practice away from patients so you're better with patients.
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