
Good morning friends. This group has been amazing in terms of learning and guidance. However I wanted the suggestions of all the talented dentists over here in this case. Patient has missing right central incisor and there is a shift of midline towards the right side. Patient is not willing to have ortho done. Please suggest the possibility of restoring it with crowns/ veneers or any other camouflaging if possible. Pictures are taken using MDP. Thanks.

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Good morning friends. This group has been amazing in terms of learning and guidance. However I wanted the suggestions of all the talented dentists over here in this case. Patient has missing right central incisor and there is a shift of midline towards the right side. Patient is not willing to have ortho done. Please suggest the possibility of restoring it with crowns/ veneers or any other camouflaging if possible. Pictures are taken using MDP. Thanks.

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