Abdalla E

Abdalla E

General Dentist




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Abdalla E
Abdalla E

General Dentist


CLASS 4 COMPOSITE-A.E Journey Of Aesthetics (Case-1)

Little girl fell and broke UR central - Ellis class 1 after photo study we concluded that an aesthetic restoration is needed 1.photos 2. shade select... Read more


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Abdalla E
Abdalla E

General Dentist

Wax pattern by Red Shinobi Photos by A.E Dental studio

for the love of dentistry


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Abdalla E
Abdalla E

General Dentist


operator- Dr. Ahmed Fouad (thank you so much doc) Chief complaint- uncomfortable with the unpleasant look of G.I restoration. (pt is a dentist) "pt came with old cast before any restorative procedures". you can notice all the anatomy the previous dentist drilled away and placed an unaesthetic restoration. step 1- stamps where constructed directly off the cast model of pts old dentition. step 2- complete isolation using rubber dam, ligature floss, wedjets, liquidam step 3- LR 6, excavation and start of drilling, recurrent caries under G.I so complete removal of old restoration due to recurrent caries. LR7 after inspection of margins and ensuring no recurrent decay, we removed a couple of mm of G.I to allow for refurbishment of restoration and to accurately Sandwich the G.I. Step 4- composite selection Kerr herculite xrv shade Enamel A2 and dentin shade on LR6 LR7 enamel A2 shade only step 5- after reaching cavo surface angle, with composite teflon is added and stamp is pressed on to regain anatomy. step 5 - finishing and polishing accentuation of grooves with yellow finishing stone polishing by rubber cups and polishing paste.


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Abdalla E
Abdalla E

General Dentist

Occlusal Stamp Technique. Class 1 cavity on LL6 Step 1-Isolation- rubber dam, floss ligature, gingival barrier this was achieved by Dr. Ahmed Fouad thank you for the help on proper isolation. Step 2 - obtain occlusal stamp Step 3 - cavity preparation Step 4 - composite A2 (Herculiteā„¢ Ultra Universal Nanohybrid) Step 5 - last layer before cavo-surface angle is left un cured and stamp is then pressed on occlusal surface onto the uncured resin. to give back original tooth anatomy. Step- 6 finishing and polishing the restoration.

I am still a dental student and I Would love some feedback.


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Abdalla E
Abdalla E

General Dentist


To become better you must listen,read,learn then implement. I had the privilege of learning a whole new concept of dentistry from Dr. Amr El-Etreby. He expanded my mind into a new vision of dentistry, that vision is Biomimicry and how with a stroke from his brush he can make any restoration harmoniously blend in with nature. Thank you for all the knowledge you have given me. Ceramics done by Dentist/master ceramist - Dr. Amr El-Etreby

Live your passion


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