Eduard Florea

Eduard Florea





Case views


Eduard Florea

Dr. Nicu Iuga Dental Clinic Dent Complet, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Challenges in SKY fast & fixed Therapy for young patients with aggressive parodontitis ! Abstract: Treatment of young patients with aggressive periodontitis is a challenge for any dentist. It is a big shock for these young patients with a more active social life to know that they will lose all teeth. In the face of these cases all doctors must be able to present to the patients a predictable treatment plan. In my opinion SKY fast & fix therapy is the best option for this patients, but of course if the clinical situation allows! Biography: Graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine - University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu in Cluj-Napoca, class of 2006. •Proficiency Oral Implantology •Hyaluronic acid injection Proficiency •October 2008 - New Methods in restorative dentistry conference, Cluj Napoca •June 2010 - Barcelona summit roots, Dr. Frederik Barnet, Barcelona, Spain •May 2011 - International Congress of Aesthetic Dentistry, Bucharest •September 2011 - Implantology: Implants connected to nature, Timişoara •April 2012 - Biomaterials Used in dentistry, Cluj Napoca •2011- 2012 - Competence in Oral Implantology, Iaşi •April 2012 - Implantology and bone augmentation, Sibiu •June 2012 -Techniques dental treatment and new materials to achieve successful results, Cluj Napoca •October 2013 - Implantology - Bredent Group Days: SKY fast & fix Forum, Paltinis •November 2013 - Course Equilibration, Craiova •March 2013 - International Dental Show, Cologne, Germany •September-November 2014 - dental occlusion, practical applications in dentistry, Cluj Napoca •February 2014 - Course Hyaluronic acid injection, Braşov •May 2014 - Advanced Course Implantology, Dr Paul Matto •June 2014 - Sky Bredent Meeting, Implantology, Berlin, Germany •March 2015 - International Dental Show, Cologne, Germany •June 2015 - "Augmentation Procedures Part I: bone harvesting Techniques, augmentation surgery and soft Tissues" Olsberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. F. Khoury #bredent #SKYfastandfixedForum

At the 3rd SKY fast & fixed Forum, bredent-medical main focus will be immediate restoration. The participants will gain a thorough understanding of SK... Read more


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Eduard Florea

Implantul dentar ceramic whiteSKY - 100% biocompatibil Aspectul foarte asemănător cu al dinților naturali, lipsa de adeziune a plăcii bacteriene, rezistența zirconiului dar și lipsa reacțiilor alergice pentru pacienți sunt doar câteva dintre avantajele ce recomandă acest implant. Un număr tot mai mare de pacienți au dezvoltat alergii la metale. Implantul dentar ceramic, whiteSKY, reprezintă o alternativă de încredere pentru acest grup de pacienți. Lipsa metalului din construcția acestui implant protejează pacienții de reacții alergice nedorite. #whiteSKY #ImplantDentar #bredent

Dr. Jörg Neugebauer, University of Cologne/Germany During our studies1), we have detected that zirconium implants perform just like titanium implants... Read more


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