Omar Valero MonroyPeriodontist14+102 Likes310.4k ViewsLikeCommentShareShare to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInSaveBe the first one to comment on this case
Omar Valero MonroyPeriodontist43 Likes316.1k ViewsLikeCommentShareShare to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInSaveBe the first one to comment on this case
Omar Valero MonroyPeriodontist26+226 Likes316.8k ViewsLikeCommentShareShare to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInSaveBe the first one to comment on this case
Omar Valero MonroyPeriodontist9+58 Likes3 comments318.8k ViewsLikeCommentShareShare to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to LinkedInSaveView more commentsRoberto CiarlantiniSagittal cone beam before and after would be very nice to see!!!!🙏🙏
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